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About us

We are Dave and Michelle Witt. We live in a small North Texas town called Whitesboro. Dave and I have been together since 2013. We were married and joined our two families together in July of 2016. Together we have four adult sons and four grandchildren four and under. We have Cohen, Abigail, Karrington and Noah. They are our greatest pleasure!  Being grandparents is simply the best!

We have been in business since 2016. Our business started out as something that we could do together. Dave likes to work with wood. I began using cutting machines to make items after making jewelry prior to that for a short time. I chose the name for the business because my future vision has always been to have goods that are handmade by us while supplementing those items with boutique style items. This has always been the goal and remains the goal still today. I have worked hard each year to add new equipment and items to our offerings.

Our business has grown so much in the past few years. I began doing it full time last year when my career as a medical transcriptionist ended. It is a field that has been mostly replaced by voice recognition technology. I jumped right in full speed ahead. We spent 2021 figuring out what our business would look like. We had a storefront that fell through and crushed a part of the dream. We spent a lot of 2021 and now 2022 traveling to shows in surrounding areas. This has gained us a whole new following and more experience. 

We have had one booth location in our hometown for several years now. We have had a few different secondary locations over the last two years and currently we have a secondary booth location in Gainesville, Texas. 

Due to spacing for woodworking I am the only creator of our business at this time. I purchase designs from others and also design many of our items myself. I also offer my digital designs for sale under the designing name of Dyldylsmom’s Digitals. I love making ideas come to life and making personalized items is truly my favorite. I hope to continue to expand our locations and our online offerings.


Dave is a big help when we travel to locations. He helps make sure that everything we need will fit in our SUV. We can only travel with what fits so he has gotten rather good at playing that game of Tetris. I could not do any of this without his help and support.

The year 2022 has been challenging. Our economy has definitely made a difference this year. Small businesses have taken a definite hit. Our supplies have increased in pricing while we all have less money to spend on unnecessary items. We are so thankful for those of you who are still able to support us in any way possible. We hope to continue this in some capacity for a long time to come. 

Please let us know if you have any questions about our products or need help with anything. I have so many items I can make for you on an as needed basis that are not even shown anywhere on our sites or pages. Thank you for coming to our site and we hope you enjoy looking around at our hard work.


Us in Action


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